I am Mahmoud Abumandour, a senior communication and computer engineering student at Mansoura University. I am interested in the low-level realm of software and especially passionate about open-source projects. I have been accepted into GSoC 2022 with the RTEMS organization for the Release Notes Generation project. As much as I am interested in low-level development, I also firmly believe that tooling is significantly important for a productive development process, and having the notes automatically and cleanly generated would greatly benefit the RTEMS release generation workflow.
Current release notes have both build and style issues; this project will explore and fix those issues by upgrading the rtems-release-notes
generation script to use the new generator.
The project builds on top of the work done in GSoC 2018, and can be decomposed into two main components:
- Rejuvenating and fixing issues with Markdown generation and automation of PDF generation
- Supporting reStructuredText and integrating into the
repository workflow.
We have gone through some thorough discussion of the project has been done pre-GSoC, and hence I started working with the first part already in the community bonding period, and I will continue with the first component of the project after finishing exams and defending my graduation thesis.
I will use this blog to track the progress and milestones of the project, and I will be continually pushing code to the repository fork I maintain here. Finally, the RTEMS community has been more than helpful throughout the process of GSoC applications and after acceptance, so I am incredibly excited to be working with them, especially my mentors, throughout the summer!